Friday, September 18, 2009

September trip to Belgium

Hi all. Here are a few photos from Dan and Elizabeth's trip to Belgium on an exploratory trip as they prepare to enter the missions field in Brussels.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Back from Belgium

We had a great time in Brussels!  We walked and walked, rode the subway more than we have in any other city,
plus we rode trains, trams and buses and a European van owned by a missionary friend.  Most of the cars are so small.  Not very many people actually drive cars though, the public transportation system is so good.

We met with missionaries from several groups not just our own.  They all said that the work is very difficult in Belgium.  We knew that and that is a large part of why we want to go.  We want to have conversations with people who would only be interested in us because the Holy Spirit is drawing them.  No cultural attraction.  The 6'3" man with the red headed wife did not look the least bit unusual.  Traffic did not stop and people didn't even wave.

The food was good but we were looking for hungry hearts and they were everywhere!

More later